
DP: Question

Q: How can interactive design create a sense of community for a family divided by distance and cultural barriers?

My own family is a good example of a family unit that's dispersed in very different areas of the world. Cambodia during Pol Pot's regime was a dangerous time for the average citizen. Most everyone was trying to get out and luckily there were many world powers willing to take in refugees during this time such as America, France, Australia, and Thailand.

Sub-Question: How can families with very different economical resources, infrastructure, and technological knowledge in foreign countries use this technology?

In order to keep the scope of my project reasonable, as of now, I've decided to focus on the "creating a sense of community" for my American family unit and Cambodian unit (in the motherland), the extremes for multiple reasons:
  • Cambodia is truly what ties us together, it's where our roots are
  • Because Cambodia is a third-world country with definite limited resources, it will help in defining boundaries to work within
  • Culturally speaking, America and Cambodia are very different
    • From my research, there is a lot of hesitation with older family members in America in developing something that will make communication more accessible for a very specific reason, money
      • This concern may just stems from a lack of understanding what life is like on both ends
    • For the younger members of the family or the american born kids, it seems majority are curious about just learning about our families history
So what I need to explore now is defining what type of communication/interaction that is happening and if there's a way to possibly make those concerns irrelevant.

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