
Design Intervention: Final Presentation

The most important thing we learned from this project was trusting our gut feelings and taking a risk with the direction of the project. Understanding that it's okay to not know what will happen, but having the confidence to put it out there. That's where feedback plays an important role because based on the outcome of the testing we would know where to improve. The project is so dependent on the receiver and other variables to determine the outcome. A part of our struggle in both explaining and understanding our intervention was context. It was after we placed our components in the environment that everything came together and made sense. Knowing the context of the project and looking at it in context sooner would have helped us make more specific decisions.

The first area we wish could expand on would be developing the resource center more thoroughly. We only touched on the appointment card, but developing the resources in more depth such as forms, message boards and etc. Secondly, we wish we could expand on the way finding system. For instance, creating differences in the arrows and making it specific to the services or need may help to clarify the overall system. Lastly, we would like to explore a different mark or see how it would differ if we moved forwards with the icon symbol rather than an abstract mark.

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