
Mode of Appeal: Final Artifact

For my project I focused on creating a visual system for Wilson brand tennis balls. I took an informative approach to the different types of tennis balls in order to make it more accessible to novice players, but also a quick read for advanced players. In regards to executing this concept on a three dimensional object, I first created an abstract color coding system to represent each type of court surface. The overall form of the wrap alludes to a tennis court, but also the bouncing of a ball to guide the eye right. Hierarchically, I made the ball type larger to clearly distinguish the products along with the abstract courts. Directly below, in the white box, I placed a quick read about the best court type for that particular ball for immediate details. However, I used a line element to connect that detail with more detailed and friendly content in the back for novice players. I created icons and diagrams to allow for multiple levels of readability.

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