There are six basic color relationship concepts that create harmony: complementary, split complementary, double complementary, analogous, triadic, and monochromatic. Although there are only six concepts, there is an infinite amount of color combinations for each relationship.
A complementary color relationship occurs between two colors opposite of each other on the color wheel. Because these colors are opposite, they create the most visual vibration such as or blue and orange or red and green. In addition, complementary colors should be avoided in text.
Split Complementary:
A split complementary relationship occurs between three colors. It's similar to a complimentary color scheme but instead the two colors adjacent to one of the colors compliments are used instead. Because the two other colors are next to the third's complement the colors have a visual vibration yet not as strong as a complementary color relationship.
Double Complementary:
A double complementary or rectangle relationship occurs between two groups of complementary colors. There are a lot of different variations in double compliments, but in practice one color should be more dominant than the others.
An analogous color relationship occurs when two or more colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. They share a similar wavelength so they
A triadic color relationship occurs between three colors evenly spaced on the color wheel. The primary colors (red, blue, and yellow) are an example of a triadic scheme. It is advised to choose one dominant color of the three and use the other two as accents, because triadic colors tend to be equally vibrant.
A monochromatic color scheme is composed of shades and tints of one color. Although there is only one color being used, there is a great range of similar color available when black and white is added into the mix.
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