
People of the Triangle - Final Artifact

Polynesia is a large cluster of over 1,000 islands that reside within the Polynesian Triangle. This distinct triangle stretches from Hawaii, New Zealand and to Easter Island in the southern and central Pacific Ocean. They are an indigenous people that greatly value spirituality, loyalty and community. The Polynesians believe in multiple deities that interact with them constantly so they are often aware of their environment. Because deities play a large role in their day to day life, many of their artifacts hold religious or ceremonial purposes. For instance, the tiki figures, which can be found all over Polynesia are significant to the culture. The wooden or stone carvings often house the spirit of a Polynesian god or represent a particular mana depending on the various markings and facial expressions. For centuries these figures have been used for the purpose of worship, to mark sacred land and as a charm for good fortune. Other artifacts that are used for ceremonial purposes include the masks, drums, and war clubs. While spiritually is embedded in Polynesian life, all interactive activities occured around the meeting house. Relationships are extremely important to Polynesians on both an individual and group level. The meeting house was the center of Polynesian life that allowed them to celebrate their culture, share community meals, perform ceremonies and hold other activities. Lastly, in order to have an intimate community, the Polynesians believe in complete loyalty to their chief and their people to sustain a strong interconnectedness.

1 comment:

  1. Nice photo documentation (showing scale in relation to your hands). For printed work it is also easy and effective to use the digital files to showcase the full layouts.
